Alliance Corea is a cultural foundation that promotes and supports Korean culture in Europe. Alliance Corea is honoured to present the work of great masters like Grandmaster Han and ceramic master Seung-Ho Yang. The personal philosophy of a true martial art scholar like Dr.He-Young Kimm, founder of Hanmudo, brings the meaning of Alliance Corea to the point. Carrying a uniform bag with his right hand and a book bag with his left hand!


Goals of Alliance Corea are summarized by the following statements:

  1. Cultural exchange
  2. Friendship
  3. Learning

To achieve the goals, Alliance Corea is build upon:

A. Organization and structures!

Official registered Swiss foundation (CH-320.6.048.554-2 St.Gallen)
Training and rehabilitation facilities:
(QURA Center)
Internet plattform:
Facebook and YouTube)

B. Communication!

Korean to Englisch
Western learning patterns
Local teachers

C. Quality!

Step 1: Basic skills (SUL)
Step 2: Intermediate skills (YE, DO)
Step 3: Advanced skills (ZEN)
Resulting in Master classes



Honorary friendship certicifates of Alliance Corea are given to people that contributed greatly to the development and goals of Alliance Corea.

List of honorary friends of ALLIANCE COREA in:

Dr. Kimm, He Young (Hanmudo): for his contribution of bringing Korean martial art to Europe.

1. Grandmaster Seul, Chuk Woon

2. Grandmaster Myeong, Jae OK

3. Grandmaster Lim, Dong Gyu

4. Grandmaster Park, Sa Gyu

5. Mrs Lee, Ye Joo

6. Grandmaster Jung, Kyong Wha

7. Grandmaster Park, No Won

8. Grandmaster Kang, Tea Won

9. Mister Um, Yong Nam

10. Master Park, Jung Hyun

11. Master Min, Won Gi

12. Master Park, Kwon Jueng

13. Master Kim, Jin Hong

14. Mr.Kim, Jong Pil

15. Mr.Kwon, Hyuk Joong

16. Grandmaster Kim, Jong Il

17.Grandmaster Chong, You-Kou Go-ho

Grandmaster Han, Jung Doo (Hapkido): for his contribution of bringing Korean martial art to Europe.

  1. Maya Rolloos-Diem (member of Alliance Corea): for helping to start up Alliance Corea in 1999.
  2. Martin Steger (member of Alliance Corea): for his constructive participation in Alliance Corea.
  3. Thomas Ferri (member of Alliance Corea): for his never ending commitment in teaching Hanmudo.
  4. Master Fadri Erni (first Swiss Hanmudo blackbelt): for his contribution in developing Hanmudo in Switzerland.
  5. Master Renato Marni (president Taekwondo Davos): for his contribution in developing martial art in Graubünden (CH).
  6. Mr. Roland Egger: black belt Hanmudo.
  7. Ms. Sandra Küng: black belt Hanmudo.
  8. Mr. Andrea Berweger: black belt Hanmudo.
  9. Master Pietro Pinga Hanmudo Italy: for 10 years “martial art” friendship
  10. Master Nicola Fusco Hanmudo Italy: for 10 years “martial art” friendship
  11. Master Niklas Albrecht Karate Switzerland: for pushing the martial art to a higher level.
  12. Master Harm Verkuijlen: for pushing Hanmudo to a higher level.
  13. Master Rob Plasmans: for pushing Hanmudo to a higher level.
  14. Ni-Honto Judo/Ivan Jörg: for pushing the martial art to a higher level (already 44 years!).
  15. Master Frans van Boxtel: for his contribution in developing Hanmudo in Europe.
  16. Alexandra Waser: black belt Hanmudo.
  17. Patrick Egger: black belt Hanmudo.
  18. Hotel Alvier: for the support in developing ALLIANCE COREA.
  19. sindus AG: for the support in developing ALLIANCE COREA.
  20. Jacqueline Camagni: creator of ALLIANCE COREA painting.
  21. Dennis Egger: Full contact karate champion 2012.
  22. Harrow House: for its contribution in developing cultural exchange!
  23. Nazih Lhiba: black belt Hanmudo.
  24. Mr. Holger Gehlhar
  25. Christian Müller: black belt Hanmudo.
  26. Thomas Sprecher: black belt Hanmudo.
  27. Bruno Schwaar: for the support in developing Alliance Corea.
  28. Mathias Dieter Schultz: for the support in developing Alliance Corea.
  29. Master Ad van Workum: for pushing Hanmudo to a higher level.
  30. Bruno Schneider: black belt Hanmudo.
  31. Master Jens Schimmel: Martial Art All Systems: for pushing the martial art to a higher level.
  32. Grandmaster Pascal Russello: for pushing Hapkido to a higher level in Europe.
  33. Grandmaster Patrick Verboven: for pushing Hapkido to a higher level in Belgium.
  34. Wendy Plackle: for helping pushing Hapkido to a higher level in Belgium.
  35. Master Janis Horch: for pushing Hapkido to a higher level in Germany.


Alliance Corea School Certificate states that a school has qualified for the education Standards of Alliance Corea!

Curriculum of Alliance Corea:

  • Basic Skills (SUL)
  • Intermediate Skills (DO)
  • Advanced Skills (ZEN)

Certified schools with ALLIANCE COREA school certificate

  1. Habgiseon Association (schoolnr. KR 01-13): Grandmaster Han Jungdoo

  2. Gaebon Hapkido (schoolnr. KR 02-13): Master Kim, Jin Hong

  3. All Korea Kendo Federation (schoolnr. KR 01-14): Master Ming, Won Gi
  1. Alvier Sport and Culture Center (schoolnr. EU 01-13): Master Ernst Jan Rolloos

  2. Golden Lion Hapkido (schoolnr. CH 01-13): Chief instructor Jong-Hyung Schwaar

  3. Han Mu Do Liechtenstein (schoolnr. LI 01-13): Master Instructor Thomas Ferri

  4. Riva Fit Hanmudo (schoolnr.CH 01-14): Instructors Berweger and Waser

  5. France Academy Jean-Marc Sagory (schoolnr. FR 01-2015): Master Jean-Marc Sagory

  6. France Academy Taekwondo (schoolnr. FR 02-15): Master Pascal Russello

  7. Chön Ji Kwan (schoolnr. NL 01-2015): Master Frans van Boxtel

  8. Budokai Mels (schoolnr. CH 01-2019): Master Niklas Albrecht